Aug 15, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to the new school year. Moscow School’s Open House is August 26th at 5:00 p.m., students’ first day is August 28th.Â
Please join us in welcoming new staff:
·      Chelsea Cunningham-9-12 Math Teacher
·      Melanie Caswell-Food Service Supervisor/Head Cook
·      Jessica Lay – Valley Jr/Sr High School Administrative Assistant
·      Diane Lightbody-Food Service Assistant
·      Angelica Giggey – Educational Technician III
·      Desireah Howes – Educational Technician I
It has been a busy summer. Our custodial staff have completed many projects to improve our buildings and grounds for our students and staff as well as cleaning the buildings. All light bulbs in the buildings have been changed to LED bulbs.  Moscow summer school students that enrolled in the Moscow Outdoor Club have had a very successful garden in raised beds and plan to expand their gardening next year. There has been significant work completed on the baseball field. Valley’s new basketball scoreboards have been installed and Moscow’s new playground equipment will be installed. The Andrew’s family funded the basketball scoreboards and contributed to the fundraising efforts of the Moscow School students and staff for the Moscow playground.
Both schools have three goals this year.
·      Increase Attendance
·      Increase math knowledge and skills
·      Increase literacy knowledge and skills
Please help us with achieving these goals by having your students attend school on a regular basis.
Once again MSAD 13 is looking forward to a great year. Staff have done a great job preparing for the opening of the schools for your students. We continue to not have adequate numbers of substitutes for any positions. The district is still recruiting educational technicians and substitutes for all positions including teachers, educational technicians, food service assistants, and custodians. Anyone interested please call 672-5502. The hours for these positions can be flexible, including part-time work or when you are available. Please help us recruit substitutes for all positions.Â
Sandra MacArthur
Superintendent of Schools